About Me
I'm a 23 year old multi-disciplinary designer, hailing from the centre of merry old England. I've been designing commercially for more than 6 years and have worked for small design agencies, as well as running my own design agency from 2008 to 2009. Since then I've played a key role in the launch of Propertywide, a property search portal from the real estate industry giants Countrywide, which has gone on to be a huge commerical success. In addition I freelance as Chopeh; this is where I get my fair share of recognition for my work.
I'm your typical creative; I'll buy something because the box is nicely designed, I'll try and name typefaces walking through the shopping mall, I'll be skeptical of a restaurant with poor menu design. I'll over-analyse the message behind everything I see, which makes me truely think about everything I see… and how I could do it better.
The Skills
Why Denmark?
I've been in love with Denmark ever since I fell in love with my Danish girlfriend, Rikke. Since meeting Rikke 4 years ago, I've been to Denmark so many times I've lost count. I fell in love with the place, especially Copenhagen. It manages somehow to be chaotic yet organised, loud but calm. That's the kind of place I want to be, and that's the kind of place which can inspire to reach new creative heights.
Other Interests
When I'm not designing (which is rare, to be honest) I spend my time dashing around the frets of my guitars and busting out the occasional beat on the drums. I've been playing music for as long as I remember, and should probably be good at it by now. I guess if you enjoy hearing the intro to 'Stairway to Heaven' repeated endlessly you'll dig my playing.
Besides that I take an interest in all the usual things; movies, art, reading. I've recently become curious about photography, and whilst I have no idea what I'm doing - it's still great fun
Around the Internet
I'm active in lots of places around the internet, and always try to get involved in the community. If you're into the whole stalking thing you can see what I've been up to here: